Sunday, 21 April 2024

Autistic Demand Avoidance (some Sally Cat memes)

This is going to be my last blog on this subject for a while although I think it will come up in others and it's all pervasive!

But I stumbled upon some of Sally Cat's memes when Googling Demand Avoidance and thought I'd share some of my favourites or ones I particularly relate to or have in my life. But  there are many more.

I might have things where I differ - we're all unique, after all. For instance what I consider ultra high demand or medium/high may differ slightly and my order hierarchy but they'd still be on the list!

To read more about Sally Cat and her journey here is a link to her blog:

Well, hope many of these resonated with you too. Do let me know in the comments below!

Many thanks 😊 


  1. I'm highly like this, and it causes sometimes conflicts with people, so it could be this!

    1. That's very interesting Asterick! Yes it's quite common for autistic people to avoid demands, I'm learning all the time! Sorry I've not been very good at checking for comments on my blog hence the late reply!


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