Friday 17 May 2024

Authism - some expressions what I have a block with!

I was just thinking the other day how I have a block with certain expressions or turns of phrase. I can look them up every time I hear them and then forget again. Is this an audhd thing I wonder? I’ll think ‘oh yes’ when I look up bit without a context or regular use I’ll forget again.  

Two of mine off the top of my head are 'hostage to fortune’ and ‘Occam’s Razor’. 

In fact, I looked up Occam’s Razor after doing the accompanying video and it’s something about finding the easiest way to do things rather than making it over-complicated. Hmm. It’s not surprising I don’t remember it because the expression sounds as if it’s something much more vital and grand than that! 

I have many more like this but can’t think at the moment. No doubt I’ll add to this as and when. How about you?

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Authism - discussing learning harmony parts with Audhd

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